Saturday, May 1, 2010

Expanding Gorkamorka Part II

As promised In this part I plan to outline some ideas for the terrain features to fight
over in your Gorkamorka games.
Scrap heaps:
This area is loaded with scrap and is a good place to find someone to fight because of it.

The controlling player of this tile may generate an additional d6 teef at the end of their

This area is a good spot to take a break from the desert of gorkamorka and is often
frequented by the celebrities of Gorkamorka
The controlling player may add +1 when rolling for special characters(both for searching and as an underdog).

Tar Fields
This area has many pools of tar bubbling noxious fumes in the air. The putrid smells and the tar slicks make it difficult to traverse

Players trying to take another turn after winning at this tile need to roll a 6+ instead of a 4+

Secret Ammo Cache
Some clever nobz store weapons and ammo out in the desert in case of an emergency.

The controlling player always pass an ammo roll on a 2+

Fungus Cavern
In some dark cool caves out in the desert of Gorkamorka Ork spores can take root and over time give rise to a yoof

At the end of the controlling players turn, if they haven't attempted to take extra tiles they may search for a yoof On a 5+ the player gets a free yoof to their roster.

Out in the desert some enterprising orks set up brewhouses and slop shops for the for the warriors in the desert to relax, open a bottle of fungus beer, and kick some worthless grotz

Controlling player can reroll head wound rolls and old battle rule rolls at the start of each battle.

These are a few possible tiles that I came up with. The tar pit one might be a little weak and the the cave might be too good. I am a little hesitant to make it too easy for people to gang up on the best mob. I feel that the extra experience and teef(if you win) are enough of a balance.

As far part three I would like to create scenario tables for each tile and special rules for the muties and rebel grotz. As always feedback is greatly appreciated