So I have been away for awhile and a friend of mine wanted to see what I have been working on, so I present my painboy conversion.
He was pretty simple to put together, the legs, torso and slugga arm are from the boyz kit. The "doks tools" arm is from the fantasy warboss. The head and iron gob are from the plastic nob set.
The 'urty syringe is made from chopping up a scope from the boyz sprue and attaching a plasti-card rod on it. I feel like I should have done something to the eyepiece of the scope, and I still might. I am willing to take suggestions on this, so leave any in the comments. I also am debating adding some bolts to the gob to give a more "bolted on" feel.
On the back I gave him an ork skull and some knives from the kroot box. These bits were chosen to represent some smaller tools for more "delicate" operations he might have to perform.
I don't know quite how I feel he turned out. I think I did a pretty good job of creating a sense that he is a painboy instead of a nob, but wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) fanatics will have a field day with the slugga. Overall I think I could have done a little more to make him unique but as he is now he is much better than the nob-stand-in I have been using as a painboy.