Thursday, April 29, 2010

Killa Kans Complete!

My second post has been a long time in coming, but it is finally here. Having acquired a camera, I thought it would be a great opportunity to show pictures of the killa kans I assembled. And show them I shall.

The unit:

Here is killa kan #1:

And killa kan #2:

And killa kan #3:

I am very pleased with their overall appearance, particularly their air of simplicity. With all the shoulder pads, skyscraper-like exhaust pipes, and armored jaws I think GW’s killa kans come across a little cluttered. I also think the rocket launchers look better when they are not attached to a piston-driven arm like the claws (probably because they resemble the old metal ones).

Having had such a good time assembling the plastic killa kans, I am a little worried I will not have the fortitude to assemble anymore of the metal ones…


  1. So they can look nice! Look forward to destroying them in a game, ha ha

  2. Thanks for the post, are the extra rocket arms from the dreadnought? Did they require much modifications? I like the trimmed off buzz-saw guard, consider that looted when I get around to buying mine.

  3. The additional rocket launchers are from the deff dread. You could use them without any converting at all. I however thought they were positioned up too high, so I did some conversion work to lower them. I utilized plasticard and plastic pieces from a variety of kits (including a cyclone missile launcher, a space marine search light, etc.).
