Sunday, March 6, 2011

Battlewagon Blitz

So this week has been pretty busy, my friend Eric and I played a game of Warhammer 40k at the local hobby store. I played my Orks(obviously) against his Deathwing army. Unfortunately the game went poorly for the Orks, the lootas never feel like firing more than one shot and the big mek with shock attack gun decided to teleport himself into Belial's squad instead of shooting at it. However, the loss cannot totally be blamed on poor dice rolling. I exposed my Nob Biker squad thinking the 4+ cover save and feel no pain would be enough to keep them alive for the first turn(at least), but Cyclone Missile Launcher Terminators would obliterate all but one nob. To top it off the nob squad on foot never managed to get into combat and was ineffective the entire game.

To help fix some of my army's deficiencies I purchased a Battlewagon, and Eric and I spent this weekend trimming and assembling it. Its primary use will be to transport boyz or nobs into combat, so it doesn't need a Kannon, Zzap gun or 'Ard Case. The seems to be very nice and it was very easy to assemble. I am excited about some of the leftover bitz as I have big plans for some of them.

I also finished an old ork bike recently and attempted to modernize it a bit. I had to get a little creative to fit the orc command boar legs to fit, but with some plasticard it turned out pretty well. My one regret is that I didn't bother spicing up the gunz but all in all I think it looks fine.


  1. The battlewagon looks nice! Hopefully it works well in battle. I still need to assemble a battlewagon that has been sitting around for about a year...

    It is nice to see that you are getting some use out of one of the old ork bikes. The conversion looks nice. I like that you kept the old guns.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. The bike actually looks really good. I kinda like the compactness of it!
