So I have a 1000 point 40k game next week and I thought I would post the list I plan to take so I can get some feedback. This weekend I managed to try it out and it beat a demon list. I feel like the list may not have enough scoring troops. I also think that the nob bikers may not be worth the points for so little and it may be better to just to take regular troops. So here is the list:
-power klaw
-eavy armour
-cybork body
-attack sqig
6 lootas
5 Meganobs
-3x rokkit launcha
-1x scorcha
-armour plates
20 slugga boyz
2x rokkits
nob, power klaw bosspole
12 shoota boyz
x1 big shoota
nob power klaw bosspole
-armour plates
3 nob bikers
-2x power klaw
eavy armour
Fast Attack
3x Deffkoptas
-twin linked rokkits
Heavy Support
-big shoota
Also there was a game played between Black Templar and the Dark Angels, and while the Black Templars didn't far so well I took some pics of the assault terminators anyway.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
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It is difficult to make too many helpful suggestions when you say so little about the list. How do you plan to use the different units in the army? Is the warboss going to be attached to one of the squads and if so which one? What is going in the battlewagon, one of the squads of ork boys?
ReplyDeleteLooking just at the list, I think it looks pretty solid. I will say that in a 1000 pt game, you don’t need both the nob bikers and the mega armoured nobs. I think I would drop the mega-nobs and get some more boys and bolster the nob biker squad (maybe 5?). I feel the nob bikers are the better choice, owing primarily to their mobility. You should be able to keep them out of line of site from most units, hopefully minimizing the fire they take. I would try and use them to hunt down smaller units, particularly those units camping on objectives. Avoid charging terminators or any other unit that can easily kill them in close combat (powerfists or power weapons, etc).
One final comment; why are the shoulder pads on the Terminators glued one the wrong sides? The Crux Terminatus are always worn on the left shoulder. I can say little more than: Fail
I actually always put the crux terminus on my terminators on the other side, just because. I really don't feel the need to conform to GW's definition regarding this matter, since the entire game is all fantasy anyway. I can say little more than: Win.
ReplyDeleteYou're right about having all of those nobz; brad as a general rule seemed to have very good rolling with regards to movement with those mega-armored nobz. I for one would be in favor of taking regular bikers instead of the nobz on bikes; they seem to die pretty quickly anyway and taking the regular bikers would give more points to work with.
As a whole, Brad's tactics seemed to be pretty solid. The Warboss seemed to be a back line-bolsterer rather than a committed front line addition. I use this theory with my Emperor's Champion, carting him around to where he is needed most, and it seems to serve me well.
I think the meganobz should be dropped in favor of more nob bikers. I think Sigismund misses the point about the meganobz mobility. They CAN'T do well with movement. Even if you always get 6's, that is not mobility. They will still only be moving 6" across the battlefield. Dark Eldar will laugh at them (and just about any army other then orks). All their blasters and lances will instant kill them all in a turn, as they will not get armour saves. At least the nob bikers have a ++4 save which they will always have (or sometimes a ++3). They just have to be used in a way that they are not exposed to the entire opponent's firepower. If they are, they will all die.
ReplyDeleteI guess when I wrote the list there is so little that it would all be pretty self-explanatory. And besides I don't want to give away all my strategy. Yes the large squad goes in the battlewagon. The koptas and the lootas are suppression fire, The bikers were not meant to be a large part or the focus of the army. They were primarily for tank-hunting. The meganobs are in a truck so I thought they have some mobility. Yes trukks suck but at 1000 points there can only be so much anti-vehicle firepower.
ReplyDeleteSo I am really trying to make this as really as much WYSIWYG so more nob bikers would be very very hard to do. So some things I was thinking about are a squad of regular nobz instead of the meganobz? I was planning on meganobz being better because I wasn't expecting power weapons everywhere. Maybe I am wrong. another point is bikers versus regular bikers I don't use bikes well so it might not be worth sinking points in things that don't do well. Another point should the warboss be a big mek with kustom force field? The big problem would I lose another troop choice and I am low already.
As for the shoulder pads GW doesn't respect their own fluff so why should we? :3
I am not seeing Lootas on your list. Did you pay for them and not include them on the list?
ReplyDeleteSo, I still have not given much thought to what I am going to run in my Ork list this weekend (aside from using killa kans, but I think it is good that you are trying to get in a bunch of different units, beyond just a bunch of boyz (which we all know are not very good).
Yeah there should be 6 lootas. I will make an edit thanks. Yeah boyz are not great but at the end of the day I feel like I need more troops. Hopefully I can squeeze in some grots to camp on the objectives
ReplyDeleteNo_Life_King, you are right about me missing the point with movement. Even if they do roll great with movement, they're still moving at 6" at best. Furthermore, losing the charge because of a poor charging roll can be devastating, especially in such a small game with such an expensive unit.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be two thoughts concerning what you should do with your list in terms of objective-based battles. One says that you should take more boyz to defend those objectives once you have seized them. The other says more hard-hitting units to assault your enemy and deny his objectives, while maintaining your own. I think the best middle-of-the-road approach is to throw in some more bikers with Klaws.
By now you have already suffered whatever fate you would have suffered. How did you fare?