Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A day of days – Da Grey Knightz return.

Over the past few months I have been attempting to convince myself to try my hand at converting some Black Orcs into Grey Knightz. My resolve has finally hardened and I have pried myself away from my Dark Eldar long enough to start the conversion process.

The first order of business was to decide exactly what I wanted to convert for the fledgling force. A Dreadnought, a Librarian, a Dreadknight? While all of these would be unique and challenging projects, I was drawn toward another option, the Psycannon. If you are at all familiar with the current Grey Knight codex, you know that the Psycannon is critical to the success of the army as a whole, providing both anti-infantry and anti-tank suppression. As such, devising a suitable representation of the Psycannon was essential.

I played around with numerous ideas in my head, everything from using kustom mega blastas to storm bolters. While pondering this, I realized perhaps my largest obstacle was actually how the ork was going to hold the Psycannon, as opposed to what weapon would be a good starting point for the conversion. The Black Orks I planned to use for the Grey Knightz were not positioned in a way to hold a two-handed firearm. This is when my thoughts drifted back towards my first memories of the Psycannon. In Games Workshop’s Inquisitor (combat focused role-playing game), Inquisitor Covenant had an awesome shoulder mounted Psycannon. I decided that mounting the Psycannons to the ork’s shoulder/backpack was the solution I was looking for, and I got to work.

So without further ado, here are some pictures showing my progress on the first of the Psycannon wielding Grey Knightz.

Thus far I am pretty pleased with how the model is turning out. I have made an effort to modify the model’s legs such that he does not look so much like a Black Orc with guns. Further, I am working on converting his left hand such that it is empty, using a Chaos Marine powerfist as the foundation.

I still have a lot to do before the model is finished, but thought I would post some pictures and hopefully get some feedback. Any suggestions of things you would like to see on this model or future Grey Knightz? What do you think I should do about the model’s right hand? Is there a particular type of weapon you think he should be holding?


  1. Truly an inspiration to us all! The seamless incorporation of the bionic eye is great. He looks like a true space marine! It is also nice to see how many seemingly "useless" pieces found good homes on this guy. The litte terminator shields and hunter killer missile launcher come to mind... Possibly the little terminator shields that can be put on the shoulderpads could be used? Maybe even recessed into the front of the ork's armour? Just a though. Again great work!

  2. Thanks for the comment; I have considered trying to fashion one of those little terminator shields on the model's left shoulderpad, similar to what the Grey Knight terminators have. Also maybe adding little fins to the model's elbows, again to mirror the Grey Knight terminators. I am still unsure exactly what I want to do with the ork's weapon. I will most likely craft a straight blade out of platicard.
