First off I wanted to say that the last list I posted was over by about 200 points I think I forgot to add the squad of boyz. With that in mind I reworked the entire list:
-Warboss 100 pts
-eavy armour
-cybork body
-power klaw
-Wierdboy 85 pts
-Lootas 120 pts
-3x meks w/big shootas
Troops 122 pts
12 shoota boyz
-power klaw
Trukk 50 pts
-armour plates
-red paint job
Troops 122 pts
12 slugga boyz
-power klaw
Trukk 45 pts
-armour plates
10 grots 40 pts
10 grots 40 pts
Fast Attack
4 Warbikes 140 pts
-power klaw
3 Deffkoptas 135 pts
- 3x twin linked rokkits
Total 999
The list did okay, I won one game drew another and lost the last game. The tournament had a 1 hour limit which was really short. The first game was a seize ground game against a blood angels army. I won mainly because my opponent didn't keep a scoring unit next to his objective and he was too slow to get to mine. The second game was only two turns and was a draw because it was another seize ground and neither player could contest the others objective. The third game was an annihilation game against tyranids, they ran across the board and I kill all but the Hive Tyrant it's retinue and two tyranid warriors. Thanks to Derick for hosting the tournament, next time I will have to do better!
One of my projects that I have been working on is a mek for my Gorkamorka gang. Here he is! I armed him with a slugga and knife. I didn't think he needed a choppa because he will be driving a trukk. The next project I want to work on is a Warhammer one. It is going to be a giant one!
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