Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hell, it's about time.

This is a big day for 'Ere We Go. Finally, it is moving to something more relevant to 40k as a whole. Space Marines. It is also a major day because now almost all the people who read this blog post on the blog. And finally it is important because of the following pictures:

This is the pinnacle of Space Marine tanks. It is also possibly the best tank in the game. This is the WHIRLWIND. Brad’s days of winning with his orks will finally come to an end now that this will be rolling onto the field.

To make it even better, the top can be removed to allow it to be the humble rhino.


  1. More relevant to 40K as a whole?

  2. The whole post was pretty much a string of sarcastic comments making light of GW only releasing space marines. After all, the whirlwind is possibly the worst space marine tank...

  3. Ah, I see. Sorry to miss the obvious!
    I'm in a bit of a dissertation hell mental fog. I will say this though - I always had a soft-spot for the whirlwind!

  4. Thanks for the blog post, the whrilwind is nice, my poor dead orks. Your post was a little misleading however, the orks never really won against the whirlwindless Space Marines anyway.

  5. Its Warren... too lazy to make a profile.

    Back in the day, when I could take the whirlwind, it was an awesome tank to use against Orks. For a mere 85 points or whatever it was (it was cheap), a whole lot of pie plate, AP 4 infantry killing power could be hidden behind a hill and rain death upon the foe the entire game. Then, GW decided that in 4th edition, the Whirlwind was not in the character of the Black Templars (right now the hated bastard child of space marines in GW's eyes), and so got rid of the option. For shame. That is a nice model. But anyway, the Whirlwind still isn't bad, but it seems the Predator is the way to go nowadays. Also kudos to being able to use it as a Rhino if desired.

  6. You need to extra armor that byach up, Eric.
